Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Everything I Needed to Know I (Re)learned in Disney World

So maybe I didn't learn everything I needed to know here. Actually most things I needed to know I learned a camp, but that's besides the point. I have been given the opportunity here to learn not only about the Walt Disney Company and gain business experience, but to drive home some lessons that are not always in the forefront of my consciousness. The last two weeks have been somewhat eventful for me on a personal level. I have no desire to go into detail on my personal life, so I will not. If you have some burning desire to hear me to recount the last two weeks, you can call me, but I promise, it's not that exciting. I digress; with a fair amount of recent self reflection I have narrowed down what I have recently relearned into three very relevant lessons.

1. I am young and have so many things left to do and accomplish. But I have time.
I think a lot of people my age forget this all too often. One bump in the road is by no means the end of the world. Hell, 17 bumps in the road are not the end of the world. That's just part of life and it makes us stronger, preparing us to kick butt and accomplish our potential in the future. I know this all sounds terribly cliche, but it's really important to remember. Everybody needs to slow down, enjoy the present and celebrate little successes. While it is so important to chase your dreams, be patient. The Disney College Program reminds me of this every day. No one is going to walk out of college and into an executive position at the Walt Disney Company. You have to work from the ground up here. Everyday, CPs are on the front line helping guests and making magic. In order to create the guest oriented culture that this company is known for, most of the professionals start off being paid minimum wage to straighten Mickey plush toys in a crazy park merchandise store or sweating inside a giant Pluto costume. I love the culture of this organization and how it treats its people. After a little experience here I know I would really like to continue my professional relationship with the Walt Disney Company, but I also know that none of it will come easily.

2. I have a support system of amazing people who I love and who love me.
I am a damn lucky girl. The other day when I wasn't feeling my best I walked out into the common room in my apartment I found the most glorious pink box on the kitchen table filled with Georgetown Cupcakes from my mommy. On the way out the door to recycle the box I almost tripped over the box of flowers that my best (read: only... I'm kidding. But really...) friend, the lovely Miss Nikki Jenner, had sent me. I am by no means saying that I expect presents when I'm sad, but I am very thankful for the people who let me know they're thinking of me when I'm not at my best. To top it all off, my mom changed her plans and got on a plane and came to visit me for the weekend, (which was absurd amounts of fun as well!) Really what I'm getting at is that I love my family and friends so much. I know it's okay for me to not always be at 100% because no matter how far away I am, they will be there to make it better. I'm truly never alone, which gives me the courage to things like move to Florida by myself. Something I really need to remember as my imminent college graduation quickly approaches.

3. I need to make the most of the opportunities I'm given. Especially opportunities that involve improving myself.
I don't know if has completely hit me yet that I'm living in Disney World. This is just such a cool place to live. There is always something going on. People save up thousands of dollars for years to come on vacation here and I am lucky enough to live here and enjoy much of Disney World for free. From a career standpoint, I am in an amazing position to network and get my foot in at a Fortune 100 company. I realize how important it is for me to spend some of my free time building these professional relationships. Disney aside, I also have the opportunity to live in central Florida, in the beautiful sun while it gets colder at home. In addition, working full time allows me to actually spend my time outside of work however I please (NO STUDYING!!!) Time is an opportunity that we all let slip away far too often. With all of this in mind I have resolved to spend more of my free time (1) building relationships, both personal and professional, (2) exercising, and (3) going to the pool.

Again sorry this is all a bit cliche, but it's cliche for a reason.

Have a Magical Day!

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