Wednesday, August 15, 2012

T-Minus 3 Weeks and Counting

"I suppose my formula might be: dream, diversify and never miss an angle." -Walt Disney, Wall Street Journal (4 February 1958)

This is how Walt Disney described his "profit formula" to the Wall Street Journal in 1958. Although, what I have read about Walt Disney would lead me to believe that this formula is not solely (or even predominantly) motivated by money. It is Disney's creativity and dedication to the entertainment of the child inside of all of us that has made the Walt Disney Corporation the media giant that it is today.

This blog is meant to chronicle my time spent in Walt Disney World through the Disney College Program this fall semester. I am asked all the time what that means and what I will be doing while participating in the DCP, and I am still awful at describing it. A lot of that has to do with the fact that I haven't done it yet. I will give it a shot anyway. I will be working full time at Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida. I have a merchandise role, so I will be working in a store, I'm not sure where yet. I will also be doing a "Finance Professional Development Study" which from what I gather is a finance class in which I get to present to people who work for Disney at the end of the term. There are also all kinds of training, and networking, and social events for the college program participants. My vague description will surely expand as I experience the program first hand.

I also am asked, "why this program?" just as often, which is just as hard to explain. I am a senior studying economics at The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. It is obvious that selling t-shirts and stuffed animals in Disney World is not in itself directly related to any of my career goals (which are unclear in themselves, as I have no idea what I want to do with my life.) And in the rigorous and crazy academic world that is William and Mary, this decision does not seem to fit into the usual internship/research/thesis mold that we are told will get us a good job or into a top grad program. But to put it simply, I'm in it for the experience. Opportunities to meet new people, have an adventure, and explore career possibilities in the Walt Disney Corporation seemed too good to pass up. I applied on a whim, was completely caught off guard by my admission to the program, and cautiously accepted my role with a little nudging from my mom. I still feel somewhat hesitant about the program, but my excitement grows each day I get closer to my check in date, September 5th. I'm starting to recognize more and more how much this could really benefit me by experiencing (and maybe even getting my foot in the door at) such a large and successful company. Especially one like Disney, that has meant so much to me all through my childhood.

Now all I have to do is physically get ready for this adventure. After summer school at W&M, I kind of just brought all my stuff home and dumped it in the dining room.
This doesn't even include the section of the family room that my stuff took over, my furniture that has taken over the basement, or the myriad of clothes scattered across my bedroom. Not to mention that the week before I leave, my little brother Sam is leaving for his freshman year at Marymount Manhattan College. Sorry for taking over the house, Mom. The physical act of packing to go live somewhere is still so daunting, even after 13 years of packing for camp and 3 years of packing for college. Lucky for me, I get to drive my car down to Orlando and don't have to try and bring everything I own on an airplane. Also I hate airplanes.

So soon I will begin my journey into packing, leading to my adventures in Disney World. My biggest hope for this program is that I am given the silliest and ugliest uniform in all of Disney World, so that I can cover this blog in pictures of me and my ridiculousness, therefore making keeping up with this blog super easy for me (and obviously more entertaining for you!)

Have a magical day!